2018 PROGRAMS - stats and achievements
10 Education Programs
5 Health Programs
1 Social Justice Program
2 Social Enterprises
Run in 6 villages,
by 9 project staff assisted
by 100+ community
Impacting 1840+
beneficiaries and their
Tuition groups running in 6 locations. 420 students attending regularly, receiving help with their homework and improving in their grades.
17 community tutors and cooks assisting with programs. Tutors provided with training, resources and weekly support visits by project staff.
1200+ servings of nutritional grains and snacks distributed to tuition students per week.
3600+ sets of stationery items distributed during 2018.
Exam Preparation Classes for 10th standard students held in March/April. 37 Students attended - 100% passed their exams.
13 students provided with fee support to study university, college and trade courses and 25 trade students provided with on-the-job construction training through HCTE program.
General medical camps held in 2 villages - 510 medical checks completed.
Mobile Health Vehicle purchased and equipped with medical equipment.
Mobile Health Team staff sourced and trained.
6 villages surveyed by mobile medical team.
Mobile clinics for mothers and children aged 0-3 yrs commenced in first 3 villages. 317 health checks given. (Oct - Dec).
Awareness talks - Body Image and Puberty (150 girls), Mobile Phone and Drug Awareness (180 students), education, health and safety talks - Shalom end of year children's program (1000+ children and adults).
Dengue fever education, clean-up and fogging activities carried out in 6 villages.
Dengue fever health tonics distributed to 385 children and 200 adults.
Funding secured for construction of new toilets at Valasai village school.
social justice programs
44 children (aged 6 - 19) accommodated at Shalom Children’s Campus and provided with carers, nutrition, medical care, clothing, educational supplies and hygiene products.
2 students graduated courses and commenced employment during the year.
Small library area set up and stocked with 200+ Tamil and English books.
2 new computers provided for the use of the children and staff.
Maintenance and repair work carried out on buildings and bus.
HCTE established.
Land purchased, first house 80% completed by end of Dec. (Sold in May 2019 generating $12,000 AUD in profit for funding community programs.)
85 workers employed.
25 trade students from Loyola Technical Institute gained on the job work experience.
Full-time farmer employed.
Farm development activities – farmer’s accommodation, enclosures for goats and poultry, pipes and motor for new irrigation bore.
1 to 1.5 acres of land under cultivation (Lower figure Jan – Sept during drought conditions - higher figure after monsoon rains).
8m2 to 2000m2 of productive vegetable gardens (Lower figure Jan – Sept during drought conditions - higher figure after monsoon rains).
4 cows, and 2 calves, with 3 cows producing milk.
53 people (children and staff) living at Shalom Children’s Campus benefitted from food and milk produced from farming activities.
55 people earned income by assisting with farming and construction activities.
To read a full overview of our 2018 programs, email us for a copy of our 2018 Annual Report.
“Alone we can do so little ... TOGETHER we can do so much”